Wednesday, June 14, 2017

fishtail scarf now available

 Back in 2009, Yarn Forward magazine published this design.  It's a simple scarf with a twist--you can use all the buttonholes to wear the scarf any way you might like, or you can twist a silk scarf through those holes.  Either way, it's a fun, carry-along summer project.

That magazine has unfortunately gone out of print (as many have, these days) so I've released the pattern as a pdf download.  It's available here on Ravelry:

Fishtail Scarf

It should also be available on Loveknitting soon, as well.

 I've also been playing a bit with an app that enables you to create a sketch from a photo.  I took a photo I'd posted here, and gave it try.  Here's the result...and it still looks like the warm weather we've been having here.  Lots of sunshine, a bit of rain, and some warm days.

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